Utilizing display:inline-block within a table: eliminating scroll bars for a cleaner look

Can someone help me with setting a span element to display as inline-block within a table cell?



    <span class="groupName"><a href="#">small link</a></span>


    <span class="groupName"><a href="#">really long link that should have a horizontal scroll bar</a></span>



    /*Not sure what to put here*/

My current code is causing both horizontal and vertical scroll bars on all the span or td elements. I only want horizontal scroll bars on span elements that exceed the set width. Appreciate any guidance.

Edit Apologies, here's an improved example in this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/LxUht/1/

Answer №1

Make sure to switch from using overflow:scroll; to overflow:auto in your CSS, and don't forget to include white-space:nowrap to prevent the text from wrapping onto the next line.


Check out the DEMO here

Answer №2

Give this a shot


try it out

Answer №3

The issue is occurring due to the presence of overflow:scroll.

To resolve this, eliminate overflow:scroll from the .groupName section.

Click here for the revised fiddle.

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