Utilizing CSS classes from a global CSS file defined in _app.js (Next.js) - A guide

Just like the title says...

I have included my global styles.css in _app.js as shown below:

import '../public/styles.css'

Then, within a page's header.js (/components/header.js), I am trying to use a class .buttonPrimary from the global css file mentioned above, like this:

            className={buttonPrimary}    // THIS
            onClick={(e) => {
            Sign in

However, I am getting an error saying that the class does not exist... I understand that I could simply import the same global css file at the top of the page, but then what is the purpose of loading it globally in _app.js?

Answer №1

It is recommended to keep the class as a string

  onClick={(e) => {
  Sign in

Your bundler will link the css file to the final bundle, and react will handle the rendering. This produces the following html output:

<a href="/api/auth/signin" class="buttonPrimary">Sign in</a>

Answer №2

Ensure that the className is passed as a string

 onClick={(e) => {
 Log in

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