Utilizing Angular Forms for dynamic string validation with the *ngIf directive

I have a challenge where I need to hide forms in a list if they are empty. These forms contain string values. I attempted to use *ngIf but unfortunately, it did not work as expected and empty fields are still visible in the list. How can I address this issue? (In the image provided, ISRawMaterialInspection and ISRawMaterialRiskState are the empty ones.)

Below is the HTML code snippet:

<input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="IsOxidizable" *ngIf="form.get('IsOxidizable').value"/>

    <input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="ISRawMaterialInspection" *ngIf="!!form.get('ISRawMaterialInspection').value"/>
    <input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="ISRawMaterialRiskState" *ngIf="form.get('ISRawMaterialRiskState').value"/>

And here is the TypeScript code block:

        IsOxidizable: new FormControl({
            value: this.data.IsOxidizable,
            disabled: true,
        ISRawMaterialRiskState: new FormControl({
            value: this.data.ISRawMaterialRiskState,
            disabled: true,
        ISRawMaterialInspection: new FormControl({
            value: this.data.ISRawMaterialInspection,
            disabled: true


Answer №1

Following some insightful feedback from Eliseo, I made some revisions to my previous response.

As Eliseo mentioned:

The 'if(a)' condition in TypeScript is considered false if 'a' is equal to undefined, null, an empty string(""), 0, or false.

    <input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="IsOxidizable" *ngIf="form.get('IsOxidizable').value && form.get('IsOxidizable').value !== ''"/>

    <input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="ISRawMaterialInspection" *ngIf="form.get('ISRawMaterialInspection').value form.get('IsOxidizable').value !== ''"/>
    <input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="ISRawMaterialRiskState" *ngIf="form.get('ISRawMaterialRiskState').value form.get('IsOxidizable').value !== ''"/>

However, it's worth noting that the original poster (OP) has already accepted the answer and likely resolved the issue, which adds a new perspective.

var a = new String('');

if (a) -> will evaluate to true

This suggests that the OP may have used String objects instead of primitive strings.

The 'if(a)' condition in TypeScript is only false for primitive data types when 'a' equals undefined, null, an empty string(""), 0, or false.

if (new Boolean(false)) -> evaluates to true
if (new String('')) -> evaluates to true
if (new Number(0)) -> evaluates to true

In conclusion, I appreciate Eliseo's clarification, as it has contributed to my improved understanding.

Answer №2

Modifying the HTML code and utilizing

 <input matInput class="mt-20" formControlName="IsOxidizable" *ngIf="form.get('IsOxidizable').value && form.get('IsOxidizable').value !== ''"/>

made a difference. Subsequently, I also updated the main TypeScript file without including

form.get('IsOxidizable').value !== ''
in the HTML snippet. Given that it consistently displayed its title, I made adjustments to the main TS as shown below:

ngAfterViewInit() {
        setTimeout(() => {
            if (this.rawMaterialInformation) {
                this.rawMaterialInformation.IsOxidizable = this.rawMaterialInformation.IsOxidizable?
                    "Oksitlenme :" + this.rawMaterialInformation.IsOxidizable:'';

                this.rawMaterialInformation.MeltingTemperature = this.rawMaterialInformation.MeltingTemperature?
                    "Eritilme Sıcaklığı : " +


Both modifications proved effective.

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