Utilizing a Custom Validator to Compare Two Values in a Dynamic FormArray in Angular 7

Within the "additionalForm" group, there is a formArray named "validations" that dynamically binds values to the validtionsField array. The validtionsField array contains three objects with two values that need to be compared: Min-length and Max-Length.

For example, if the min length entered is greater than the max length, an error should be displayed.

Below is the code for this functionality:

import {
} from "@angular/core";
import {
} from "@angular/forms";
import {
} from "@angular/material";

  selector: "app-root",
  templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"]
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  validtionsField = [{
      validField: "Min Length",
      type: false,
      fieldType: "input",
      value: 1,
      keyval: "minLength"
      validField: "Max Length",
      type: false,
      fieldType: "input",
      value: 50,
      keyval: "maxLength"
      validField: "DataType",
      type: false,
      fieldType: "dropDown",
      dataTypeList: [],
      dataTypeId: "minLength",
      keyval: "dataTypeId",
      value: 874

  dataType = [{
      id: 3701,
      localeId: 1,
      tenantId: 1,
      parentCategoryId: null,
      parentContentId: 873,
      name: "Alphabets",
      description: null
      id: 3702,
      localeId: 1,
      tenantId: 1,
      parentCategoryId: null,
      parentContentId: 874,
      name: "Alphanumeric",
      description: null
  additionalForm: FormGroup = this.fb.group({
    fieldName: ["", [Validators.required]],
    validations: this.fb.array([])

  constructor(public fb: FormBuilder) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    let frmArray = this.additionalForm.get("validations") as FormArray;

    for (let data of this.validtionsField) {
  initSection(data) {
    return this.fb.group({
      validField: [data.validField, [Validators.required]],
      type: [data.type, [Validators.required]],
      value: [data.value, [Validators.required]],
      dataTypeList: [this.dataType, [Validators.required]],
      fieldType: [data.fieldType, [Validators.required]],
      validArray: []
    }, {
      validator: this.customValidator

  checkFieldType(data): any {
    return data === "dropDown";

  // Function to compare values of min and max length
  public customValidator(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null {
    const newValue = control.get("value") ? control.get("value").value : null;
    const values = control.get("value") ? control.get("value").value : [];
    console.log("1 " + newValue);
    for (let i = 0, j = values.length; i < j; i++) {
      if (newValue === values[i]) {
        return {
          duplicate2: true
    return null;
<form [formGroup]="additionalForm">
    <input formControlName='fieldName' placeholder="Field Name" required matInput>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12">
      <div formArrayName="validations">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let validationForm of  additionalForm.controls.validations.controls; let i = index">
          <div class="valid-data" [formGroupName]="i">
                  <label>{{validationForm.value.validField }}</label>

                  <ng-container *ngIf="checkFieldType(validationForm.value.fieldType ); else input">
                    <mat-form-field class="select-dataType">
                      <mat-select required formControlName='value'  placeholder="Datatype">
                        <mat-option *ngFor="let fieldTypeData of validationForm.value.dataTypeList"
                  <ng-template #input>
                      <input required  formControlName='value' pattern= "[0-9]+" matInput>
            <div *ngIf="validationForm.get('value')?.touched ">
              <div class="error" *ngIf="validationForm.get('value').hasError('required')">
                {{validationForm.value.validField}} is required

The TS and HTML code above corresponds to the function below, where I am attempting to compare old and new values from the control, but it is returning values from the same input field for the same min-length:

/// Trying the function below to compare the min and max length.

public customValidator(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null {
  const newValue = control.get('value') ? control.get('value').value : null;
  const values = control.get('value') ? control.get('value').value : [];
  console.log("1 " + newValue);
  for (let i = 0, j = values.length; i < j; i++) {
    if (newValue === values[i]) {
      return {
        'duplicate2': true
  return null;

I require assistance in comparing values from a dynamic form array, where all values entered into the form-array object are bound to the formControlName "value".

Click on the following link for the code :


Answer №1

If you have two fields named minLength and maxLength that rely on each other for validation, you can include a validator in the parent group and utilize a custom ErrorStateMatcher to handle parent group errors for the child elements. In this scenario, using a FormGroup instead of FormArray proves to be more practical.

export class AppComponent {

  readonly invalidLengthMatcher: ErrorStateMatcher = {
    isErrorState: () => {
      const control = this.additionalForm.get('validations');
      return control.hasError('invalidLength');

  readonly controlFields = this.validtionsField.map(field => ({
    control: new FormControl(field.value, Validators.required),
    errorMatcher: this.errorMatcherByFieldId(field.keyval)

  private readonly controlMap = this.controlFields.reduce((controls, controlField) => {
    controls[controlField.field.keyval] = controlField.control;
    return controls;
  }, {});

  readonly additionalForm = new FormGroup({
    fieldName: new FormControl("", [Validators.required]),
    validations: new FormGroup(this.controlMap, {
      validators: (group: FormGroup) => {
        const [minLength, maxLength] = ['minLength', 'maxLength'].map(fieldId => {
          const control = group.get(fieldId);
          return Number(control.value);

        if (minLength > maxLength) {
          return {
            'invalidLength': true
        } else {
          return null;

  private errorMatcherByFieldId(fieldId: string): ErrorStateMatcher | undefined {
    switch (fieldId) {
      case 'minLength':
      case 'maxLength':
        return this.invalidLengthMatcher;
<form [formGroup]="additionalForm">
    <input formControlName='fieldName' placeholder="Field Name" required matInput>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12">
      <div formGroupName="validations" >
        <div *ngFor="let controlField of controlFields" class="valid-data">
          <span [ngSwitch]="controlField.field.fieldType">
            <mat-form-field *ngSwitchCase="'dropDown'" class="select-dataType">
              <mat-select required placeholder="Datatype" [formControlName]="controlField.field.keyval">
                <mat-option *ngFor="let fieldTypeData of dataType"
            <mat-form-field *ngSwitchCase="'input'">
              <input matInput
                      pattern= "[0-9]+"


Answer №2

To access all controls, you needed to attach this validator to the form array.

Here is My Custom Validator:-

    export function validateCustomArray(): ValidatorFn {
    return (formArray:FormArray):{[key: string]: any} | null=>{
      let valid:boolean=true;
      let minIndex = Object.keys(formArray.controls).findIndex((key) => formArray.controls[key].value.validField.toLowerCase()==="min length");
      let minLengthValue = formArray.controls[minIndex].value.value;
      let maxLengthValue = formArray.controls[Object.keys(formArray.controls).find((key) => formArray.controls[key].value.validField.toLowerCase()==="max length")].value.value;
      return minLengthValue < maxLengthValue ? null : {error: 'Min Length Should be less than max length', controlName : formArray.controls[minIndex].value.validField};

This code should be added to ngOnInit of your form array:

ngOnInit() {
    let frmArray = this.additionalForm.get("validations") as FormArray;

    for (let data of this.validtionsField) {

You can utilize it in your template like this:

<div class="error" *ngIf="additionalForm.controls.validations.errors && validationForm.value.validField ===  additionalForm.controls.validations.errors.controlName">

For a demo, check out this stackblitz link:


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