Utilize the JavaScript Email Error Box on different components

On my website, I have implemented a login system using LocalStorage and would like to incorporate an error message feature for incorrect entries. Since I already have assistance for handling email errors on another page, I am interested in applying that same error message format to other types of errors as well. Is there a way to reuse the Email Error message for other elements, or do I need to create individual styles and messages for each error? If it is possible, I would like to integrate the Email Error message into the "checkRegisterEnter" and "checkRegisterPassword" functions for alert replacements. The existing email validation code can be found below.

Javascript code:

function checkRegisterEnter(){
  if(givenname.value == 0){
    alert("Name field is Empty!")

function checkRegisterPassword(){
  if(password.value !== password2.value) {
    alert('The first password does not match the second!')

const checkrform = document.getElementById("register.form")[0];
const checkremail = document.getElementById("ri3");
let remailerror = checkremail;
while ((remailerror = remailerror.nextSilbing).nodeType != 1);
const remailRegExp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/;

function addEvent(remailelement,remailevent,callback){
  let previousEventCallBack = remailelement["on"+remailevent];
  remailelement["on"+remailevent] = function (e) {const remailoutput = callback(e);


(Translated with Google Translate, errors may be included.)

Edit: Still seeking a solution to this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Although alert boxes are the traditional way to display errors in JavaScript, there are alternative methods that can be used as well. Two such methods exist for showing errors without relying on alert boxes.

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