Utilize React/webpack to import and extract the text content of a CSS file

I am working on a task to import a CSS file, extract its contents, and then generate an array of class names.

Unfortunately, the code snippet below only returns an empty object in the log.

import Stylesheet from './styles.css'

I have explored various resources like NPM packages, Github, and Google in search of a suitable package for this purpose, but I haven't found one yet.

Answer №1

Innovative create-react-app solution for 2023


// ignore webpack loader syntax warning
import css from '!!css-loader?{"sourceMap":false,"exportType":"string"}!./styles.css';


Although Create React App (CRA) utilizes Webpack internally, it doesn't provide direct access to editing the webpack.config.js file. Many existing solutions suggest using the deprecated raw-loader, while the recommended approach involves asset modules which require modifying webpack.config.js (not possible in CRA).

To circumvent this limitation without relying on non-native packages, we can leverage inline loaders.

  1. Determine the necessary loader, such as css-loader for this case. Various loaders serve different file types.

  2. Inspect the loader's options to ensure compatibility with our requirements, like obtaining a string output. Verify the presence of an exportType option that suits our needs.

  3. Construct the code with specified options. Begin with a basic import statement:

     import css from './styles.css'

    Add the required loader:

     import css from '!!css-loader!./styles.css'

    Append the desired options using a JSON object query parameter:

     import css from '!!css-loader?{"sourceMap":false,"exportType":"string"}!./styles.css'

    The sourceMap is set to false to exclude compressed data comments at the end of the imported string by default.

    Finally, instruct your linter to ignore the atypical syntax:

     // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-webpack-loader-syntax
     import css from '!!css-loader?{"sourceMap":false,"exportType":"string"}!./styles.css';

Answer №2

For a solution, you can refer to this suggested configuration

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: ['to-string-loader', 'css-loader'],

If you have the 'css-loader' plugin set up, you should be able to import the css file and then use the toString method on it.

const cssContent = require('./test.css').toString();

Answer №4

For those utilizing webpack, it is recommended to incorporate the css-to-string-loader loader into their project.

var styleString = require('css-to-string-loader!css-loader!./file.css');

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