Utilize jQuery to dynamically add a CSS class to a button

When using jQuery to create dynamic buttons, is there a way to add a CSS class to the button during creation without needing an extra line of JavaScript to add the class afterwards? Below is a example code snippet:

 $.each(data, function (index, value) {
       var button =  $('<button/>', {
              text: value, 
              id: 'btn_' + index,
              click: function () { MNS.ButtonClick(this) }

Is it possible to achieve this instead?

  $.each(data, function (index, value) {
        var button =  $('<button/>', {
               text: value, 
               id: 'btn_' + index,
               click: function () { MNS.ButtonClick(this) }

Answer №1

To define the class property within the constructor

$.each(data, function (item, key) {
    var element = $('<span/>', {
        "class" : "customClass" //Specify custom CSS styles here

Alternatively, you can utilize the addClass method on the object that was created


Answer №2

Check out the following code snippet. Be sure to pass the class as a parameter.

var button =  $('<button/>', {
        class : "className",
        click: function () { MNS.ButtonClick(this) }

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