Utilize jQuery to apply a CSS class to the element that is clicked and inject additional content into a designated div

Here is a link to a page where I am experimenting with creating an interactive choose-your-own-adventure story:

My goal is to add the class "disabled" to the element when a user clicks on the word "stairs" and then continue the story. Below is the relevant code snippet extracted from the page:

<div id="ongoingStory"><p>This wasn't where you meant to go.</p>
   <p>You were walking, and thinking, and now that you've come back to the present, you're looking at brick on two sides and a slatted, padlocked gate between them.  You've come up an alley.  Or down one.</p>
   <p>Up a set of <a href="#" id="stairs">stairs</a> bolted precariously to one building's brick side, there's a door.  Above it, a sign juts out: <span class="smcaps">Sparrow Aisling / Psychic</span>.  Barely readable in the dusk, but there it is.</p></div>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="narrative.js"></script>

and excerpt from narrative.js --

var climbStairs = "<p>You climb the stairs and go through the door.</p><p>Inside, there's a red velvet sofa, diamond-tufted, and an ottoman to one side.  Heavy green curtains and a spray of tiny, ornately framed <a href=\"#\">mirrors</a> occupy the back wall.  Occult clutter fills the rest of the room — candles in cups, crystals, brass bells and bowls, figurines from a number of different religions, a little round tea set, and bundles of dried herbs and sticks.</p><p>The obligatory cat, gray, looks up at you, twitches its tail, and goes back to staring out the room's one window.</p><ul><li><a href=\"#\"> Sit and wait.</a></li><li><a href=\"#\"> Nose around while you wait.</a></li></ul>"

$( document ).ready( function() {
   $( "#stairs" ).click( function() {
      $( this ).addClass( "disabled");
      $( "#ongoingStory" ).append( climbStairs );


It has been a long time since I attempted anything more interactive than a menu bar, so please bear with me. I may have made errors in the syntax or order of things, failed to escape something that needed escaping, or overlooked something very basic.

Answer №1

Your posted code appears to be correct, however there is a slight issue on your webpage with the following line:

var sit = "<p>You find yourself standing in front of an old wooden door. Your heart races as you reach for the doorknob. Taking a deep breath, you turn it and push the door open.</p><p>Inside, you see a dimly lit room filled with mysterious artifacts and treasures. The air is thick with dust, giving the room an eerie feel</p><p>As you step further into the room, a sudden gust of wind slams the door shut behind you.</p>

It seems like a closing " is missing at the end.

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