Utilize JavaScript to target the specific CSS class

Hello, I am currently using inline JS in my Wordpress navigation menu, redirecting users to a login page when clicked. However, I have been advised to use a regular menu item with a specific class and then target that class with JS instead. Despite searching for examples, I cannot find a solution that suits my needs. Can someone please provide me with a sample code to help guide me in the right direction?

Thank you.

Answer №1

It seems like this is the information you have been given.

var element = document.querySelector(".clickable-element");
element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  //perform desired actions here
  console.log("redirect to a different website");
<a href="http://www.example.com" class="clickable-element">Example</a>

The approach mentioned above can result in cluttered code that is challenging to comprehend and maintain. It is advisable to separate HTML, CSS, and JS code to improve readability and organization. To prevent conflicts between your JavaScript and styling when making modifications, it is recommended to assign distinct classes for functionality and design purposes.

For instance, using the class "clickable-element" solely for JavaScript functionalities, while applying a different class for styling purposes. This segregation ensures better manageability and prevents unintended impacts on your codebase.

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