Utilize JavaScript and CSS to customize the appearance of Qualtrics

Currently utilizing Qualtrics and hoping to enhance the appearance of certain survey screens by incorporating JavaScript or HTML. Have you discovered a method for achieving this? I'm facing some difficulties adding custom HTML at the question level, and JavaScript behavior seems unpredictable. Any success stories in fine-tuning these aspects using JavaScript?

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of specific pages, you can insert a style tag containing CSS directly into question text.

This is an example of question text.
/* Your CSS styles go here */

If you need to modify the styles of certain elements using JavaScript, you can leverage tools like prototypejs to select the correct elements. Here's a basic demonstration of adjusting the width and alignment of a multiple choice button:

    var element = $(this.questionId).select('label.SingleAnswer').first();
    element.style.width = "50%";
    element.style.textAlign = "center";

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