Utilize CSS to selectively target specific sections of a repetitive pattern within a list

I have come across a list fragment that is generated automatically and I only have the ability to adjust the CSS for it.

<ul class="menu">
    <li class=" menuItem1 first parent"></li>
    <li class=" menuItem2 parent"></li>
    <li class=" menuItem3 parent"></li>
    <li class=" menuItem4 parent selected"> 
        <ul class="nccUlMenuSub1">
            <li class=" menuItem1 first parent"></li>
            <li class=" menuItem2"></li>
            <li class=" menuItem3 selected parent">
                <ul class="nccUlMenuSub2">
                    <li class=" menuItem1 first"></li>
                    <li class=" menuItem2"></li>
                    <li class=" menuItem3"></li>
                    <li class="menuItem4 last"></li>
                    <!-- Although this structure continues, I prefer not to display it-->
    ... and so on

My goal is to utilize a CSS rule of display: none to hide everything except the specific part of the list shown in the above snippet:

            <li class=" menuItem3 selected parent">
                <ul class="nccUlMenuSub2">
                    <li class=" menuItem1 first"></li>
                    <li class=" menuItem2"></li>
                    <li class=" menuItem3"></li>
                    <li class="menuItem4 last"></li>
                    <!-- Although this structure continues, I prefer not to display it-->

Currently, the CSS code I've developed only hides all content after the first line in my second example.

.menu .selected ul.nccUlMenuSub1 li[class*="menuItem"]:not(.selected) {
    display: none;

How can I adapt my CSS to include both the selected element and two levels of its children (specifically .nccUlMenuSub2, along with their immediate <li> elements)?

Answer №1

Keep only the targeted elements visible with this CSS snippet:

.menu > li:not(.selected),
.menu > li.selected > ul > li:not(.selected),
.menu > li.selected > ul > li.selected > ul:not(.nccUlMenuSub2),
.menu > li.selected > ul > li.selected > ul.nccUlMenuSub2 ul
    display: none;

This code will hide everything except for the specific ul.nccU1MenuSub2 tier and its direct child lis. Submenus beyond that level will also be hidden, along with any siblings of the ul and its parent's siblings.

JSFiddle Demo

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