Utilize CSS Module class names through direct DOM access

I have a unique situation involving a component that utilizes CSS-Modules through the babel-plugin-react-css-modules plugin.

During certain points in the component's lifecycle, I need to calculate new dimensions by directly accessing the DOM.

Within my SCSS stylesheet, there is a class called .full-width that I need to temporarily apply to the component's DOM element for calculations before removing it.

Since adding and removing the class quickly does not impact the component or its state, I prefer to manipulate the class directly on the DOM without involving the component's state object.

When I use this.DOMReference.classList.add('full-width'), it adds the full-width class to the element. However, I want to add the modularized version of the class as applied by styleName="full-width" (e.g., Component__full-width___Pjd10)

Is there a way to achieve this without globally declaring .full-width?

Can react-css-modules help me with this scenario?

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I discovered a more efficient way to import styles in my project. Instead of importing them anonymously, I can now assign them to a variable like this:

import styles from './styles.scss'
instead of import './styles.scss'. This allows me to easily reference the styles when needed


I also realized that I don't need to use styleName="styles.someClass" anymore. I can simply use styleName="someClass" (as long as only one stylesheet file is imported, otherwise the former method is necessary)

Answer №2

Implementing in Next.js

When incorporating this code into your Next.js project, it functions seamlessly.

Utilize CSS Modules

import design from './design.module.css'

Incorporate within your Function


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