Utilize CSS inheritance within Vue components

My setup involves two components that each have child components in a router configuration. Here's an example of how it looks:

        path: '/admin',
        component: AdminMain,
                path: '/admin',
                component: AdminHome,
                name: 'AdminHome'
        path: '/',
        component: Home,
                path: '/',
                component: Index,
                name: 'Index'

I am looking for a way to create separate layouts for these components so their child components inherit the parent components' CSS styles. Is this achievable? Currently, I have to load a CSS file in every component using scoped styles because my CSS conflicts with Vuetify's CSS.

Answer №1

When using v-html to create DOM content, remember that scoped styles do not affect them. However, you can still apply styles using deep selectors.

The explanation provided in the Deep Selectors section of Vue docs may seem contradictory at first glance. Essentially, it suggests that if you want your 'p' element to be styled within a scoped environment and reflect those changes in v-html, your CSS should appear as follows:

>>> p {
/* some css */

Answer №2

Utilize deep selectors to manipulate the css of a child component.

AdminMain.vue (parent component)

<style scoped>
.a >>> .b { /* ... */ }

This will translate to

.a[data-v-f3f3eg9] .b { /* ... */ }

As a result, .b will have an effect on children component (AdminHome.vue).

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