Utilize conditional styling along with hover effects in ReactJS

I'm facing an issue where I need to set up a conditional style and a hover effect for TableRows. They work fine individually, but when combined, the hover function stops working.


const StyledTableRow = withStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
    tableRow: {
        "&$hover:hover": {
            backgroundColor: "blue"


                    {RankingData.map((row) => (
<StyledTableRow hover
                                        style ={(
                                            row.remaining === "2" ||
                                            row.remaining === "1" )
                                            ? { background : " #ffff66" }:{ background : " 
    #ff9999" }}>
                            <StyledTableCell align="right" size= 'small'>{row.starters} 
                            <StyledTableCell align="right" size= 'small'>{row.remaining} 

Can someone provide guidance on how to make both the conditional styling and hovering work together?

Appreciate any help in advance!

Answer №1

Is it possible that the issue lies in using background in style but backgroundColor in hover? Consider sticking to either backgroundColor or background.


I believe I have resolved the issue.

Check out the Material UI documentation for more information.

Based on my interpretation of the documentation, the styling syntax you are using is meant to override existing classes on components.

Furthermore, as stated in the TableRow documentation here, the class tableRow does not actually exist. This explains why making style changes within it has no effect.

For a demonstration, refer to this link: https://codesandbox.io/s/material-demo-pl6sb

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