Utilize Bootstrap to create two navigation bars, where the secondary bar overlaps the dropdown of the

I am encountering an issue with my Rails app where I have two Bootstrap navigation bars. The primary bar includes a dropdown for user actions like sign-out and user profile, but it is being overlapped by the secondary bar.

Additionally, when I decrease the size of the viewport, the secondary bar collapses as expected, but the actions from the primary bar do not appear in the collapsed menu. How can I address this problem?

This is a snippet of my navbar code:

<nav role="navigation" class="navbar navbar-fixed-top firstnavbar">
      <div class="container">
          <div class="navbar-header">
              <a class="navbar-brand" rel="home" href="#" title="Sickbubble">
              <%= link_to(image_tag("cropped-sickbubble-logo-beta-3"),root_path) %>
          <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
              <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
                <% if user_signed_in? %>
                  <div class="dropdown">
                    <button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown"><%= image_tag current_user.profile_image %> <%= "#{current_user.name}" %>
                    <span class="caret"></span></button>
                    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                      <li><a href="#">HTML</a></li>
                      <li><a href="#">CSS</a></li>
                      <li><%= link_to 'Log out', destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete %></li>
                <% else %>
                  <li><%= link_to 'Log In', new_user_session_path %></li>
                  <li><%= link_to 'Register', new_user_registration_path %></li>
                <% end %>
  <nav role="navigation" class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top secondnavbar">
    <div class="container">
      <button type="button" data-target="#navbarCollapse" data-toggle="collapse" class="navbar-toggle">
          <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <div id="navbarCollapse" class="collapse navbar-collapse">
          <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
              <li><%= link_to "Categories", root_path %></li>
              <li><%= link_to "Businesses", businesses_path %></li>
              <li><%= link_to "Near me", geolocation_path, "data-no-turbolink": true %></li>

Here is some custom CSS that may be relevant to the issue:

.firstnavbar {
  background-color: #282828;
  border-radius: 0px;
  border: 0px;
  color: #ffffff;
  margin-bottom: 0px;
  ul.nav.navbar-nav, li  {
    font-weight: 400;
    a {
      color: #FFFFFF;
      background-color: #282828;
    a:hover {
      background-color: #EEEEEE;
      color: #282828;

    background-color: #FFFFFF;
     top: 50px;
     ul.nav.navbar-nav, li  {
       font-weight: 400;
       a {
         color: #282828;
         background-color: #FFFFFF;
       a:hover {
         background-color: #EEEEEE;

Image showing overlap: https://i.sstatic.net/X8kOS.png

Image showing responsive menu bar not displaying logout option: https://i.sstatic.net/bPMf6.png

Answer №1

To change the z-index of the secondary navigation bar so that it appears below the main navigation bar, you can adjust the CSS code as follows:

.secondary-nav {
  z-index: 990;

Answer №2

One method you could try is enclosing the navbars within

<div class="row"></div>
. I find this approach effective for styling the navbars.

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