Utilization of quotation marks

What is the reason behind the success of the following line of code:

document.getElementById('ID').style.backgroundImage = 'url('+ variable +')';

But this line fails to produce the desired outcome:

document.getElementById('ID').style.backgroundImage = "url('+ variable +')";

What is the correct way to utilize quotes in JavaScript?

Answer №1

In JavaScript, both single and double quotation marks can be used interchangeably, but they must be used in matching pairs. If your text already contains one style, you can use the other style to maintain the one you prefer. For example, if you have a variable defined as variable = "mypage", then

'url('+ variable +')'

will result in the encoded string:


However, using

"url('+ variable +')"

will encode it literally, including operators, variable names, and all:

url('+ variable +')

An instance where this may be necessary is demonstrated below:

myname = "John";
sentence = 'My name is "' + myname + '".';

which will output:

My name is "John".

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