Using the ternary operator in React to implement inline styles

Within my React/Typescript project, I aim to dynamically exhibit a color based on the presence or absence of a value in payload[1]. In the code snippet below, note the usage of an inline style tag.

<li className="recharts-tooltip-item" style={{ payload[1] ? color : `${payload[1].color}` }}>
    {payload[0] ? `${payload[1].dataKey} : ${payload[1].value}` : ""}

Despite referencing suggestions from A better way to change the background color using a ternary operator, I encountered an error: Type '{ payload: Payload<ValueType, NameType>[]; 1: any; }' is not assignable to type 'Properties<string | number, string & {}>'. This indicates that an object literal may solely specify known properties, and 'payload' isn't recognized within type 'Properties<string | number, string & {}>'

Code Update:

  const CustomTooltip = ({ active, payload, label}: TooltipProps<ValueType, NameType>) => {
    if(active && payload && payload.length){
      return (
        <div className = "custom-tooltip">
          <ul className="recharts-tooltip-item-list" style={{padding: '0px', margin: '0px', listStyle:'none'}}>
            <li className="recharts-tooltip-item" style={{ color: payload[0] ? color : `${payload[0].color}`}} >
              {payload[0] ? `${payload[0].dataKey} : ${payload[0].value}` : ""}
    return null;

Answer №1

There seems to be an issue with how the property is defined in the style prop. The raw color value is being used in a falsy situation, which may not be correct. Here's a suggestion on how you can address this:

<li style={{
  color: payload[1] ? color : `${payload[1].color}`
  {payload[0] ? `${payload[1].dataKey} : ${payload[1].value}` : ""}
</li >

To solve your second problem, consider creating your own type definition for the component. Here's an example of how you can do that:

type CustomTooltipProps = Omit<TooltipProps<ValueType, NameType>, 'payload'> & {
  payload: {
    dataKey: any;
    value: any;
    color: any;

Answer №2

<li className="recharts-tooltip-item"style={{ color: payload[1] ? "blue" : `${payload[1].color}` }}>

Would you be able to format the code in this way?

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