Using Styled Components to achieve full width for input tag in relation to its parent

I am working with an input field that has a specific width set. My goal is to increase the width of this input field to 100% by selecting it from its parent component. Is there a way to achieve this without passing an explicit width prop in the styled component? I attempted to replicate this scenario in this sandbox. In the sandbox, I initially set the input box width to 100px and then tried changing it using CSS selectors within the parent component. Unfortunately, my attempts were unsuccessful based on the following code snippet-

  & > input {
    width: 100% !important;

Answer №1

It seems like you're looking to add style to the input element within WrapperOne. If you want to control the grandchild from WrapperTwo, you can either select the element one level down or apply styles without a selector.

Option 1: Select child div - WrapperOne and then select the input under WrapperOne

const WrapperTwo = styled.div`
  & > div > input {
    width: inherit;

Option 2: Apply CSS to all inputs under WrapperTwo without using a selector

const WrapperTwo = styled.div`
  & input {
    width: inherit;

Check out this codesandbox link for demonstration

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