Using Special Fonts in Visual Studio 2013

Encountering a small issue with Visual Studio 2013. My application, developed using html and javascript, utilizes a custom font. When attempting to run the application on a different computer that does not have the font installed, it fails to display correctly. As a result, I am unable to publish my app in the Windows Store.

I wonder if there are specific settings I need to adjust in Visual Studio? Here is the CSS code snippet. Can anyone provide guidance on what steps need to be taken?

   font-family: 'custom_font';
   src: local('AngryBirds'), url('AngryBirds.ttf') format('truetype');

Answer №1

The key to success lies within the src attribute:

src: local('AngryBirds'), url('AngryBirds.ttf') format('truetype');

In order to make this work, you must either host the font on a remote server that is accessible online and update the url field with its location, or you can store the font locally as indicated in the local section.

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