Using Slick Slider and Bootstrap CSS to display text on top of images

Currently, I am utilizing the slick slider from and I want to overlay text on top of the image. I tried using bootstrap carousel-caption, which works well with any image. However, with slick slider, it seems like the text is not at the highest level as I cannot select or click on it.

After researching, many sources suggest that I should use position:relative to solve the z-index issue. One example is this discussion: Slick slider text on top of images

Despite following the recommendations in the provided answers, changing the position and adjusting the z-index values did not yield any changes.

.carousel-caption {
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  bottom: initial;
  z-index: 1200;

.slick-slide, .slick-track, .slick-list, .slick-slide-fade {
    /* ... */
    position: relative;

To view the complete code, please refer to my fiddle:

Answer №1

Here is the solution to your issue:

.slick-slide, .slick-track, .slick-list, .slick-slide-fade {
  /* ... */
  position: relative;

Simply include this CSS code and you will have functionality to click on both the link and dots.

Make sure to remove the z-index from the .carousel-caption section.

I tested it and verified that both options are now clickable.. please confirm after implementing these changes.

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