Using ReactJS to create cross-browser inline styling with flexbox

I'm currently working on a React web application that relies heavily on inline styling.

My goal is to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE) while utilizing flexbox for layout.

The issue I encountered is that the current style variable doesn't function properly across all browsers:

var ContainerStyle = {
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: 'row',
  flex: '1 1 auto',
  backgroundColor: '#EFEFEF',
  alignItems: 'center',
  justifyContent: 'center',
  textAlign: 'center'

I believe I need to include additional properties to address this problem:

    display: '-webkit-flex',
    display: '-moz-flex',
    display: '-ms-flex',
    display: '-o-flex',
    display: 'flex',
    -webkit-flex-direction: 'row',
    -moz-flex-direction: 'row',
    -ms-flex-direction: 'row',
    -o-flex-direction: 'row',
    flex-direction: 'row'

However, manually implementing these changes everywhere seems like a daunting task. Are there any polyfills available to simplify this process? Or perhaps a tool that can transpile the code automatically?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

If you're looking for an efficient solution, consider using Radium (). It offers auto-prefixing support for media queries and pseudo-selectors.

Another approach is to create your own wrapper around the style object. By working with Javascript on the client side, you have control over the browser environment and can apply specific prefixes as needed:

var ContainerStyle = {
  display: (browser.webkit) ? '-webkit-flex' : 'flex',
  //flexDirection: 'row', not here!

// but here:
if (browser.webkit) {
    ContainerStyle.WebkitFlexDirection = 'row'

You could encapsulate this logic in a module and pass the styles for processing before application. Libraries like Radium may follow a similar concept by outputting prefixed CSS properties rather than selectively applying them.

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