Using React to inject SCSS classes on the fly

Looking for advice on the best way to dynamically insert SASS classes using React.

I have a React component that takes in two props: componentId and color. These components are displayed as a list, and each time they're rendered, I want to apply the background color based on this.props.backgroundColor.

While I know I can achieve this with inline styles, it's not the recommended approach due to maintenance issues. Currently, I have an SCSS file containing various classes.

Any suggestions on how I could dynamically add an SCSS class based on this.props.componentId and this.props.backgroundColor?

For instance, if the component has these props:

componentId: list-item-123456789
color: #00FFFF

How can I add the following SCSS class to my style.scss file from the React component?

.list-item-123456789 {
    background-color: #00FFFF;

Should I use styled-components for this task? Or would it be better practice to stick with inline styles despite what I've read? I want to avoid any pitfalls but unsure of the best approach for the solution above.

Answer №1

If you were wondering, the ideal solution would involve utilizing styled components or inline-styles. As your React project is compiled, the SASS files are transformed into regular CSS using Webpack (most likely). Consequently, after bundling and launching your application, the SASS files become unnecessary.

Answer №2

When it comes to inline styles, they differ from simply assigning a class to an element, especially if you plan on creating all those style classes manually.

Instead, try:

<li className={{this.props.componentId}}>Some Item </li>

Ensure that your SASS classes are either global or scoped specifically for that component.

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