Using percentages to convert CSS transforms from pixels is ineffective

Here is the code snippet I am currently working with:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <div style="width:50%;height:30%;background:#65C6BB;position:absolute;transform: translate(20px,0px);">

My goal is to convert the CSS property ' transform ' to a percentage.

I am using the calculation rule:

(100 / window.innerWidth) * pixels

When I applied this rule to a Window Width of 1920 pixels, it resulted in 1.0416666666666667

However, when I tried replacing ' translate ' in the CSS transform property with

transform: translate(1.0416666666666667%,0px);

The div did not remain in the same position. I also attempted using window.document.body.offsetWidth but that did not work either.

Note: The width and height properties are functioning correctly.

Apologies for any language mistakes.

Answer №1

By applying the transformation using percentage, it adjusts the element based on its own dimensions rather than the dimensions of its parent. The equation to achieve this is

(100 / element.offsetWidth) * pixels

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