Using Node.js and Less to dynamically select a stylesheet source depending on the subdomain

Currently, my tech stack consists of nodejs, express, jade, and less.

I have set up routing to different subdomains (for example:, Each college has its own unique stylesheet. I am looking for a way to selectively load the appropriate stylesheet based on the subdomain.

Instead of passing around variables and deciding which stylesheet to load during page rendering, I am exploring the option of organizing the stylesheets into separate subdirectories. This approach would involve instructing the less-middleware to target a specific directory depending on the subdomain. Do you think this solution is feasible?

Answer №1

If you have static stylesheets, consider using nginx in front of your app server to serve the assets based on domain and/or path. This can offload asset serving from your app, allowing it to focus on other tasks and potentially improving performance.

Here is a simplified configuration example inspired by nginx documentation:

server {
  location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

  location /stylesheets/ {
    root /path/to/your/stylesheets;

This setup directs all requests to your app except those for files in the /stylesheets/ directory, which are served directly from the file system.

For more information, refer to the beginner's guide to nginx.

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