Using Material UI v1 to customize the widths of table columns

I am looking to configure column widths on a Material UI table using CSS, rather than within React with "classes." However, I am struggling to understand how the column widths are actually controlled. Despite trying to set widths on the TH columns, it does not seem to have an effect.

For reference, you can view an example here: Material UI table example (Refer to style.css)

My confusion lies in how the table column widths are managed on the "Simple Table" of the Material UI table: Simple table (notably, the first column appearing wider than the rest). How is this achieved?

I would greatly appreciate insights into how this mechanism functions and how I might adjust the settings accordingly.

Answer №1

For Material-UI V1, consider using colgroup to structure your table:

      <col style={{width:'10%'}}/>
      <col style={{width:'20%'}}/>
      <col style={{width:'70%'}}/>

Answer №2

My approach that led to success was as follows:

    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="60%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    ... and so forth ...

Alternatively, if provided with an array of widths colWidths:

<Table key={this.props.key + "_table"} className={classes.table}>
        {, i) => <col key={"colWidth_"+i} width={colWidth}/>)}

Answer №3

Using percentages to set the width is working perfectly.

                { => (

Answer №4

After trying various solutions, I found success by implementing tableLayout: 'fixed' and setting fixed pixel values for the column widths.

Unfortunately, utilizing the colgroup option did not yield the desired results.

Answer №5

If you want each column to have a specific width, using colspan is a better solution than setting fixed widths. This approach will make the table responsive based on the screen or grid size. For example, you can add colSpan={4} to the column components. To ensure that the column widths are fixed within the colspan, you can use the table-layout: fixed style. This way, the table will remain responsive but with columns of fixed widths.

Answer №6

To solve this issue, I decided to wrap the content of a TableCell component with a Box component and apply custom styles to the Box element. You can find more details in my comment on GitHub here:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) => createStyles({
  longTextStyle: {
    wordWrap: 'break-word',
    maxWidth: 1000,
  <Box className={classes.longTextStyle}>

Answer №7

After a bit of exploration, I've discovered that tackling this particular issue may be more challenging than originally anticipated. I stumbled upon this discussion, where others are also trying to accomplish the same task using various methods. It might be worth browsing through and finding the approach that suits your needs best (though without seeing your code, it's hard for me to pinpoint the safest recommendation).

In addition, studying the example table you provided gives some insight into how they managed to achieve this functionality, albeit a bit perplexing at first glance.

I'd venture to suggest implementing something like

<Table fixedHeader={false} style={{ width: "auto", tableLayout: "auto" }}>
to allow the table to dynamically adjust its size based on content rather than maintaining uniform sizing.

I hope this nudges you in the right direction! Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

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