Using jQuery's .text() function transforms my h1 element into regular text once a number is inputted

I am facing an issue with the following code snippet:

<li id="machine" ><h1>Machine</h1></li>
<li id="player"><h1>Player</h1></li>

It displays as shown in the image below:

However, when I use jQuery to update the text to a number like this:


it changes my h1 tags to normal text displayed like this:

How can I ensure that the h1 tag remains unchanged even after passing a number?

Answer №1

It's important to specifically target the <h1> element in order to avoid affecting other tags within the #machine or #player divs.

$("#machine h1").text(1);
$("#player h1").text(2);
<script src=""></script>
<li id="machine"><h1>Machine</h1></li>
<li id="player"><h1>Player</h1></li>

Alternatively, you can assign the id directly to the <h1> tags themselves.

<script src=""></script>
<li><h1 id="machine">Machine</h1></li>
<li><h1 id="player">Player</h1></li>

Answer №2

text() essentially replaces all content within the specific tag, class, or ID being targeted. In this situation, it will replace the contents of the h1 tags found within the #machine and #player elements.

To avoid affecting the h1 tags within other elements, you can target only the ones within "#machine" by using the following jQuery code:

$("#machine h1").text(1);

Answer №3

One alternative is to utilize the html technique $("#machine").html("<\h1> 1 </h1>");

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