Using jQuery, we can replace all `<span>` elements with `<img>` elements and then verify if the images have been successfully loaded

Similar Inquiry:
jQuery check if image is loaded

I find myself in a scenario where the following HTML structure is utilized:

<div class="image">
    <img class="" src="content-images/1.jpg">
    <span class="slide" rel="content-images/2.jpg"></span>
    <span class="slide" rel="content-images/3.jpg"></span>
    <span class="slide" rel="content-images/4.jpg"></span>

All children of div.image are absolutely positioned in the CSS, causing them to overlap each other.

My objective is to switch the span elements with img ones and set their src attribute to the value specified in the rel attribute within each span. These images are large and high resolution, so they may take some time to load completely.

Using JavaScript or jQuery, I need to display a loading message or indicator from when a button is clicked elsewhere on the page until all the span elements have been replaced with img elements and finished loading.

Due to issues with images and caching, using jQuery's .load() method is not feasible in this case.

While attempting to use imagesloaded, it did not provide the functionality I require.

Are there any alternative methods you can suggest to achieve this task?

Answer №1

Not entirely certain if this is the exact solution you're looking for, but it's worth a shot...

    console.log("Loading initiated...");
    // Identify all spans to be replaced and count them
    var imgSpans = $("div.image span.slide"), 
        toLoad = imgSpans.length,
        loaded = 0;
    // Initiate loading for each image
    for (var i = 0; i < toLoad; ++i) {
        // Use closure to maintain correct value of i
            // Preload image
            var img = new Image();
            img.src = imgSpans.eq(i).attr("rel");
            img.onload = function(){
                // Upon completion of loading, replace span with image...
                if (++loaded == toLoad) {
                    // ...and check if all images have been loaded at this point
                    console.log("Loading completed...");

DEMO (JSFiddle)

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