Using jQuery to trigger a click event on an image and display a hidden div

Currently, I am working on creating an image slice show to showcase various product images.

The idea is to have smaller thumbnails that when clicked, will display a larger image in a different section. The default view will be the big image of img1.

In addition, hovering over the large image will change the cursor to a magnifying glass (zoomin.cur), and clicking on the image will reveal another div (class="detailview-container-bg) on top of everything. Within this hidden div, small thumbnail images will be displayed at the top with a large image shown below, with img1 initially being the main display.

While I have successfully implemented the functionality to display a larger image upon the first click on a thumbnail, I am facing challenges with changing the cursor and showing the hidden div upon the second click. Despite writing jQuery for the second click event, it does not contain any errors - leaving me puzzled as to why the div is not appearing as intended.


I have shared my code via JSFiddle and would greatly appreciate any insights or ideas you may have. Thank you for your time.

Answer №1

Make sure to choose the correct value for display, such as block. For more information, check out this link:

If you inspect your code closely, you'll see that the display property does not reflect the absolute value.

Answer №2

By including the source link for jquery, you can utilize multiple actions within a single document function. Here is an example provided:

To avoid changing CSS directly, it is recommended to use show()/hide() or slideToggle() methods for better display and compatibility across various devices.






Answer №3

Have you considered using a pre-existing solution for the advanced gallery on your website instead of coding it yourself? It can be quite complex.

One option to consider is , which I have personally used on several websites with great success.

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