Using jQuery to Generate an Automatically Updating Timer for Slideshow - Pausing on Mouse Click

My first slideshow with jQuery is up and running, but it's very basic and hard coded. I want to add an automatic scrolling effect every 8 seconds to the next item before looping back to the beginning.

I have an idea on how to achieve this, but I want to follow best practices in my design


<div id="slideWrap">
<div id="slides">
    <ul id="slidePane">
        <li><img src="css/images/slides/slide1.png" alt="img1" /></li>
        <li><img src="css/images/slides/slide2.png" alt="img2" /></li>
        <li><img src="css/images/slides/slide3.png" alt="img3" /></li>
        <li><img src="css/images/slides/slide4.png" alt="img4" /></li>
<div id="slideNav">
        <li class="active"><h2>Packages</h2></li>


(function() {
var slider = $('#slides'),
        imgWid = $('ul#slidePane img').width(),
        imgHeight = -300,
        imgs = 4,
        imgsHeight = 3200; 

$('#slideNav ul li').on('click', function() {
        var listSel = $(this),
            selImg = $('#slideNav li').index(this);

            'margin-top': imgHeight * selImg
  • I'm looking for guidance on implementing a feature that allows for auto-scrolling through items vertically until user interaction stops it. *

Live Host:

If you need my CSS code, please let me know although I believe it may not be relevant to the question.

Answer №1

Instead of taking the modern approach, I think I'll stick to the good old-fashioned method of doing it by hand. It may not be the easiest way, but sometimes simplicity is best. I'll share the outcomes here in due time.

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