Using JQuery to enable the movement of divs on a screen through clicking and dragging, without the use of

Recently, I've been experimenting with a small project involving draggable divs. However, the code I've written doesn't seem to be functioning properly, causing JQuery to become unresponsive.

Is there an alternative method that is simple and efficient for achieving drag functionality without using .draggable?

var hold = false;
        //Drag Elements

            hold = true;

            hold = false;

        $(document).on('mousemove', function(e){
                    left:   e.pageX-50,
                    top:    e.pageY-50

Thank you!

Answer №1

Due to the single-threaded nature of Javascript, your while loop will never exit because the mouseup handler is unable to execute while you are still trapped in the mousemove handler.

To resolve this issue, simply switch out the while with an if statement:

$(document).on('mousemove', function(e){
    if (hold) {
            left:   e.pageX-50,
            top:    e.pageY-50

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