Using jQuery to apply custom classes on a row in RShiny is a great way to

Building upon this initial inquiry, the following code showcases two separate containers, each containing a series of elements provided by the `sortable` R package. Within each container are specific functions called `add_rank_list`, serving different purposes.

The first container consists of elements that are fixed and cannot be moved due to the set `disabled` argument being assigned as `TRUE` for each `add_rank_list`. However, in the second container, elements can be dragged and dropped, except for the first item, where the `disabled` argument is set to `FALSE` instead.

My goal is to highlight any element within the second container labeled as "Camp" with a red background color. Additionally, I aim to apply the same style to the corresponding element in the first container if it shares the same row as the "Camp" element in the second container.

Although successfully adding the desired class to the "Camp" element within the second container, my challenge lies in extending this functionality to the appropriate element in the first container, ensuring synchronization between both despite potential user interactions.

Despite numerous attempts using various techniques, achieving this has proven elusive. Any guidance or support on this matter would be immensely appreciated.


ui <- fluidPage(
  actionButton(inputId = "id1", "run"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$id1, {
    output$id2 <- renderUI({
              .custom-sortable .rank-list-item-Camp {
              background-color: red 
                $(document).ready(function() {
                $('.custom-sortable .rank-list-item').each(function(index) {
                if ($(this).text() === 'Camp') {
                targetIndex = index;
                $('.custom-sortable .rank-list-item').eq(targetIndex).addClass('rank-list-item-Camp');
          style = "width: 15%; float: left; overflow: hidden;",
            header = NULL,
            class = c("default-sortable","custom-sortable" ),
            orientation = c("vertical"),
              text = NULL,
              labels = 100,
              options = sortable_options(disabled = T)
              text = NULL,
              labels = c(50,40,30,15),
              options = sortable_options(disabled = T)

          style = "width: 15%; float: left; overflow: hidden;",
            header = NULL,
            class = c("default-sortable", "custom-sortable"),
            orientation = c("vertical"),
              text = NULL,
              labels = c("Fixed"),
              options = sortable_options(disabled = T)
              text = NULL,
              labels = c("Camp", rep("No Info",3)),
              options = sortable_options(disabled = F)
shinyApp(ui, server)

Answer №1

If you want to add custom handlers to perform certain actions, here is how you can do it:

css <- HTML("
.bucket-list-container .default-sortable .rank-list .highlight-marker {
   background-color: red;

.bucket-list-container .default-sortable .rank-list .highlight-marker:hover:not(.disabled)  {
   background-color: red;

.sortable-container {
   width: 15%; 
   float: left; 
   overflow: hidden;   

js <- HTML("
   function initialize() {
      const position = $('#camp_container .rank-list-container:nth(1) .rank-list-item span').index('#camp');
      $('#clone_container .rank-list-container:nth(1) .rank-list-item').eq(position).addClass('highlight-marker');
   function move_handler(event) {
      const $element = $(event.item);
      if ($element.has('#camp').length) {
         const $oldItem = $('#clone_container .rank-list-container:nth(1) .rank-list-item').eq(event.oldIndex);
         const $newItem = $('#clone_container .rank-list-container:nth(1) .rank-list-item').eq(event.newIndex);

ui <- fluidPage(
   singleton(tags$head(tags$script(js, type = "text/javascript"))),
   actionButton("run", "Run!"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
   output$container <- renderUI({
      bucket_1 <- bucket_list(
         header = NULL,
            text = NULL,
            labels = 100,
            options = sortable_options(disabled = TRUE)
            text = NULL,
            labels = c(50, 40, 30, 15),
            options = sortable_options(disabled = TRUE)
         class = c("default-sortable","custom-sortable"),
         orientation = "vertical"
      bucket_2 <- bucket_list(
         header = NULL,
            text = NULL,
            labels = "Fixed",
            options = sortable_options(disabled = TRUE)
            text = NULL,
            labels = c(list(span("Camp", id = "camp")), 
                       rep(list(span("No Info")), 3L)),
            options = sortable_options(disabled = FALSE, 
                                       onSort = "move_handler",
                                       onLoad = "initialize"
         class = c("default-sortable","custom-sortable" ),
         orientation = "vertical")
      container_1 <- div(
         class = "sortable-container",
         id = "clone_container",
      container_2 <- div(
         class = "sortable-container",
         id = "camp_container",

shinyApp(ui, server)

The CSS selectors and the marker class can be refined for better performance, but this example gives you a starting point.


  • Optimized the CSS so that we avoid using !important
  • Included an if statement in the JS to ensure it applies only to the element containing #camp.
  • Eliminated hardcoded positioning in the initialize function to make the code adaptable even if Camp is not in the first position.

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