Using jQuery to access the ID of a div and create a custom close button

I am trying to implement a close button for my popup DIVs. Each one has a unique ID and I want to hide them by setting the CSS 'display' property to 'none' when closed.

However, the following example is not functioning as expected. I am puzzled as to why...


function CloseDiv(element) {
    var id = $(element).closest('div').attr('id')
    alert(id); // It correctly returns the ID
    $("#" + id).css("display", "none");


<span id='close' onclick='CloseDiv(this)'>x</span>

Answer №1

Instead of extracting the id and hiding the div, you can simply use a direct selector to hide it.

function HideDiv(element) {

.hide() function is basically the same as using .css("display", "none");

You can also get rid of the inline function call by using jQuery like this,

$(".close").click(function() {

It's worth noting that I've opted for using class selectors instead of id selectors, especially if there are multiple elements with the same functionality.

Answer №2

Simply update

$(id).css("display", "none");


$('#' + id).css("display", "none");

or for a cleaner solution, utilize

$('#' + id).hide();

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