Using jQuery and CSS to choose a specific set of elements

My goal is to choose a specific set of anchor elements using the nth-child pseudo selector. However, I am facing an issue because nth-child only works with child elements, and my structure looks like this:

  <a>first link>
  <a>Second link</a>
  <a>Third link</a>

In this scenario, the selector that I thought would work for selecting the first 2 matched elements fails to do so:


I have provided an example here:, where in the initial example, all elements are returned instead of just the first 2. In the second one, it works, but only on direct children.

Therefore, I am wondering if there is a way to create a CSS selector for jQuery that can return a range of elements, similar to nth-child, but functioning on matched elements of a jQuery object? I am looking to construct the selector without having to write logic to process a jQuery object.

Answer №1

Implement this:

$("div:nth-child(n+1):nth-child(-n+2) a")

Choose the divs based on their order using the nth-child selector, then target the a elements within them.

Answer №2

Indeed, you are correct - the :nth-child selector only targets direct descendants. However, fear not! We can easily solve this by using the find method.


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