Using Javascript/JQuery to apply pixel values in CSS styling

Recently, I've come across a discrepancy between two different ways of accessing CSS properties in jQuery:


(which I always assumed was the standard notation) and


(which I believed to be non-standard).

For example, if foo has margin-top: 3em;, using the first notation returns 3em, while the second notation returns 48px (the equivalent of 3em in pixels). I find this behavior interesting, but couldn't locate any information about it in the API.

Why does this difference exist and where can I learn more about it?

P.S.: Just to clarify, this difference applies to attributes other than margin-top as well...

Thank you!

Answer №1

The documentation states that "jQuery has the ability to interpret both CSS and DOM formatting of properties with multiple words", but in reality, this is achieved through somewhat unreliable workarounds that may not always produce expected results.

Specifically, when you provide a DOM-style camelCaseName, jQuery will first attempt to access the inline style declaration as style.camelCaseName. If this fails (usually because the style was not set inline), it will then try using getComputedStyle with the camelCaseName converted to hyphen-separated-name(*). The computed style can differ from the declared style as the browser may resolve various relative declarations, such as converting lengths to pixel units.

On the other hand, if you supply a CSS-style hyphen-separated-name, jQuery will directly use the code for computed style(*) without attempting to convert it to camelCaseName and checking the inline style.

This behavior seems somewhat unreliable and I would hesitate to rely on it entirely. To ensure consistent results, it is recommended to keep the inline style declaration off the element being measured so that the computed style is always returned, regardless of the type of name used. However, jQuery does not explicitly promise this behavior. This highlights the challenge of concealing a complex system behind a seemingly straightforward "Do What I Mean" interface.

(*): This is different in Internet Explorer where there is no getComputedStyle function, so it resorts to a cumbersome combination of currentStyle, runtimeStyle, and document manipulation in an attempt to retrieve a computed style.

Answer №2

The discrepancy arises from the differing notations used in CSS and JavaScript to refer to the same concept. This distinction is found not within the jQuery API, but rather in a CSS guide.

While CSS employs margin-top, JavaScript uses marginTop to indicate the identical attribute. The default value for margin-top in CSS is 0px, leading to a display of 48px instead of 3em.

For further information, please visit

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