Using HTML and CSS to stack a DIV on top of another using z-index

I have 3 main layers on my website:

1) The main view with elements inside (#views in jsbin) - BOTTOM LAYER
2) An overlay (with a white background opacity of .8 #overlay in jsbin) - MIDDLE LAYER
3) A context menu (#contextmenu in jsbin) - TOP LAYER

When I display the context menu, the 3 layers are shown correctly -> the main view is "hidden" by the transparent overlay and the context menu appears on top.

My issue arises when I try to pop out an element within the main view. I want to show this element (#card1 in jsbin) between the context menu and the overlay...but I haven't been successful so far. Is it possible?

Here is the link to my jsbin:

Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Bastien

Answer №1

Make sure to include position:relative in the card's CSS styling; remember that z-index does not affect elements with a position of static.

Keep in mind that if any ancestor of the "element to pop out" has a specified z-index, this technique will not be effective (and there won't be a way to achieve the desired effect) because the ancestor establishes the stacking order for its descendants.

Answer №2

To make your card div work properly, just include the CSS property "position: relative"

#myCard {
        z-index: 3;
        position: relative;

Check out the demo on JSFiddle

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