Using hover to show a block from a sibling parent step-by-step tutorial

My ScSS task involves displaying the block with the parent2 class when hovering over child 1 of the block with the parent1 class.

<div classname="main">
      <div className="parent1">
        <span>    Child 1    </span>
        <span>    Child 2    </span>
        <span>    Child 3    </span>
      <div className="parent2">
        <span>        Child 1    </span>
        <span>        Child 2    </span>
        <span>        Child 3    </span>

Answer №1

In order to activate the hover effect, you need to nest parent 2 inside child 1 like this:

  display: none;
.child1:hover .parent2 {
  display: block;

<div class="main">
      <div class="parent1">
 <div class="child1"> Child 1 
        <div class="parent2">
        <span>        Child 1    </span>
        <span>        Child 2    </span>

   <span>    Child 3    </span>


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