Using dynamic jquery to target specific elements. How can we apply jquery to selected elements only?

Hello everyone! I have been working on a simple hover color change effect using jQuery, but I noticed that I am repeating the code for different buttons and service icons. Is there a way to achieve the same result so that when a button is hovered, the corresponding service icon changes color without repeating the code multiple times like below?

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.btn-1').hover(function() {
        $('.service-icon-1').css('color', '#05FAB8');
        $('.service-icon-1').css('color', '');
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.btn-2').hover(function() {
        $('.service-icon-2').css('color', '#05FAB8');
        $('.service-icon-2').css('color', '');
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.btn-3').hover(function() {
        $('.service-icon-3').css('color', '#05FAB8');
        $('.service-icon-3').css('color', '');

Answer №1

To ensure the relevance of my code snippet, your HTML structure is crucial. I have assumed that the icons are not direct children of each button for added complexity.

If I were to implement this using JavaScript, I would utilize a data attribute on both the button and icon elements to store the service number, then leverage this data attribute value in an attribute selector.

It's worth noting the use of template literals with backticks ` and ${}.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.btn').hover(function() {
        let serviceNb = $(this).data("service")
        $(`.service-icon[data-service=${serviceNb}]`).css('color', '#05FAB8');
        let serviceNb = $(this).data("service")
        $(`.service-icon[data-service=${serviceNb}]`).css('color', '');
  margin: 1em;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>

  <span class="service-icon" data-service="1"><i class="fa fa-tools"></i></span>
  <span class="service-icon" data-service="2"><i class="fa fa-hand-holding-usd"></i></span>
  <span class="service-icon" data-service="3"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></span>

<button class="btn"  data-service="1">Repair</button>
<button class="btn"  data-service="2">Sell</button>
<button class="btn"  data-service="3">Trash</button>

Answer №2

1) Incorporate "btn-1", "btn-2, "btn-3" into the ID of your buttons, rather than using class.
2) Assign a common class to all buttons. (e.g. "btn")
3) Utilize $(".btn").hover ONCE
4) You can retrieve the actual ID (e.g. "btn-1") using $(this).prop("id")
5) Capture the number (e.g. "1") from the retrieved ID and store it in variable btnIdNo.
6) Apply $(`.service-icon-{btnIdNo}`).css(blah)

It is advisable to assign unique identifiers to IDs instead of using CLASS. Reserve CLASS for distinguishing different types of elements.

Answer №3

Here's a possible solution:

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('.btn-1, .btn-2, .btn-3').on('mouseover', function() {
      if ($(this).is('.btn-1')) {
        $('.service-icon-1').css('color', '#FF5733');
      } else if ($(this).is('.btn-2')) {
        $('.service-icon-2').css('color', '#FF5733');
      } else {
        $('.service-icon-3').css('color', '#FF5733');
      $('.service-icon-1, .service-icon-2, .service-icon-3').css('color', '');

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