Using dojo.dnd.moveable in a fixed position setting

I have been attempting to use a Dojo moveable with a fixed position on the browser window. Unfortunately, whenever I try to move the div using the mouse, the position automatically changes to absolute. Is there a way to keep the div fixed in its position?

Here is the HTML code:


<div id="moveMe" style="position:fixed;width:100px;height:100px;border:1px solid black;background-color:#00ff00;cursor:pointer;">bla</div>

And here is the script:


    var pcm = new dojo.dnd.move.boxConstrainedMoveable(dojo.byId("moveMe"), {
        box : dojo.window.getBox(),
        within : true


If you want to test it out, you can click on this link:

Thanks, krater

Answer №1

When it comes to positioning elements on a webpage, the browser uses two completely different methods: position: fixed and position: absolute.

For a better understanding of the distinctions between the two, I suggest taking a look at this resource:

It's important to note that Dojo draggable sets elements to an absolute position, allowing for seamless movement using the top: and left: properties.

In contrast, static positioning keeps elements anchored relative to the current viewport.

If you provide more insight into your visual goals, there may be alternative solutions worth considering.

Answer №2

If you want to make your draggable element have a fixed position at the end of the drag action, you can utilize the event 'MoveStop' in your DND (draggable element) setup. By doing so, you can maintain the element's dragging capabilities with position: absolute; and then switch to a fixed position once the drag is completed.

Here is a simplified example in pseudo code:

yourDnd.on('MoveStop', function (e) {
    // Set position to FIXED
    domStyle.set(this.node, {
        'position': 'fixed',

For more information on events, you can refer to the following link:

As for the workaround mentioned in this post, it is not recommended to modify the DOJO library as it may introduce potential issues and bugs in other parts of the framework.

Answer №3

After some trial and error, I finally got this to work using the following code:

        dnd.on('MoveStart', function (e) {
            var p = dojo.position(e.node, true);
            var parent_position = dojo.position(e.node.parentNode, true)

  , "top", p.y - parent_position.y + "px");
  , "position", "absolute");
        dnd.on('MoveStop', function (e) {
            var p = dojo.position(e.node, false);
  , "top", p.y + "px");
  , "position", "fixed");

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