Using CSS to Create Text Wrapping

I have a massive string of randomly generated numbers that I am trying to display in a div block. Since the string is quite long, it's currently being shown in one single line.

For instance:

String str="13,7,5,1,10,7,18,11,17,10,9,16,17,9,6,19,6,13,2,18,6,9,8,5,15,4,17,16,12,8,19,16,5,9,6,16,16,5,16,12,0,14,7,11,12,11,12,16,8,3,16,3,1,10,4,14,5,9,4,3,8,3,0,19,5,7,8,7,13,14,4,3,12,6,5,19,17,3,3,19,0,4,14,8,15,17,14,5,9,3,9,19,18,8,10,0,6,1,18,16,3,16,10,9,15,10,4,7,1,7,11,6,11,16,4,11,10,1,0,15,16,19,6,15,18,14,16,16,5,17,9,19,12,7,14,14,11,19,18,10,9,5,11,2,9,0,3,15,14,1,7,14,12,17,1,10,14,5,17,16,19,10,12,6,19,16,5,19,10,9,18,14,11,9,1,18,0,10,0,19,7,17,2,4,...

I have specified a fixed width for the div block and now I'm looking to display this lengthy string in multiple rows rather than all in one line.

I initially attempted using the CSS property 'text-wrap:normal', but it seems to be ineffective across different browsers.

Answer №1

implement the word-wrap:break-word; css style:

<div id='row' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>

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Reference to MDN docs:

The word-wrap CSS property allows browsers to break lines within words to prevent overflow for excessively long strings.

In regards to the text-wrap you attempted: It is not documented in MDN, but w3school mentions:

"The text-wrap property is not supported by major browsers."

Answer №2

To implement word wrapping using the CSS property word-wrap:break-word in a .row DIV, follow these steps:


For a live example, refer to this link:

Answer №3

To solve this issue, simply implement the CSS property word-wrap: break-word

For a demonstration, check out this fiddle:

Answer №4

Implement the word-wrap:break-word; style rule in place of text-wrap:normal

Answer №5

Inserting a space after each comma can enhance the readability of numeric sequences, mirroring the natural flow of human languages. However, the necessity of this convention may be questioned. To adjust the spacing, you have the option to manipulate the word-spacing property with a negative value.

If you prefer not to include spaces for any specific purpose, consider inserting the <wbr> tag after each comma. While frowned upon by traditional standards, it is widely supported by browsers (excluding IE and Opera). For compatibility with these outliers, add the following rule to your stylesheet:

wbr:after { content: "\00200B"; }

It should be noted that utilizing word-wrap:break-word, which is not universally supported, may result in line breaks occurring between digits and before commas. This means phrases like “42” could be split into "4" at the end of one line and "2" at the beginning of the next line.

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