Using CSS :hover for elements with dual classes only

Is there a way to make the CSS :hover selector work only when two different classes are attached to a div? I have tried a couple of methods, but they eliminate the hover effect. For example:

.accordionButton .cyan:hover{
    color: cyan;    

I cannot simply combine them like this:

.accordionButton:hover, .cyan:hover{
    color: cyan;    

This approach will not work for me as I have additional colors that I need to apply in a similar manner.

In essence, I am looking for a way to apply CSS styles only when hovering over a div that has both the classes .accordionButton and .cyan simultaneously. Is there a solution to achieve this?

Answer №1

By combining class selectors without spaces, you can apply specific styles to elements with multiple classes simultaneously.
In the following example, the :hover effect is only triggered on elements that have both the accordionButton and cyan classes:

.accordionButton.cyan:hover {
  color: cyan;
<div class="accordionButton">Only Button</div>
<div class="cyan">Only Cyan</div>
<div class="accordionButton cyan">Both Classes</div>

If you need further clarification, check out MDN's explanation:
Target an element if it has more than one class applied.

To target elements with specific combinations of classes, include all desired classes in the selector without any space between them.

This ensures that the browser selects elements only when all specified classes are present.

Answer №2

When using a selector, it's important to consider the spacing between classes. By including a space, as you did, all elements with class cyan that are descendants of elements with class accordionButton will be selected. To target the same element, simply remove the space.

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