Using class binding for both ternary and non-ternary attributes

Suppose we have a tag that utilizes a ternary operator to apply alignment:

  :class="alignment ? ('u-' + alignment) : null"

This functions as intended since the pre-defined alignment classes are in place, now if we want to add another attribute to this tag, for example adding the class u-bright only if the prop isBright is true:

  :class="{'u-bright' : isBright}"

How can we include both conditions within the same tag? Perhaps something like:

/** This obviously does not work */
    alignment ? ('u-' + alignment) : null,
    'u-bright' : isBright

Answer №1

It is recommended to utilize the array syntax for better efficiency:

  :class="[alignment ? ('u-' + alignment):'',  isBright?'u-bright':'']"

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