Using AREA Coordinates to create a custom Image Map with Image-Based Rollovers, incorporating jQuery for enhanced functionality if desired

I am looking for a solution similar to this:

However, instead of just adding a border or fill color to <AREA> tags on rollover, I need them to display a background image. The image should be clipped by the shape of the <AREA>s.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

The current setup I have is as follows:

<img usemap="#map" />
<map name="map">
  <area coords="foo,bar">
  <area coords="foo,bar">
  <area coords="foo,bar">

I would like the background image of each AREA tag to change on rollover.

A demo of what I am envisioning can be seen here:

tankedup-imaging. com/css_dev/rollover.html

However, please note that in this example, it is not a traditional image map and the rollover areas are not truly defined by AREA tags.

Answer №1

It seems that using a traditional image map won't achieve what you're looking for:

<img usemap="#map" />
<map name="map">
    <area coords="foo,bar">
    <area coords="foo,bar">
    <area coords="foo,bar">

However, there is an alternative method to accomplish your goal using only HTML and CSS, employing a modified version of the CSS sprites technique. You can find a tutorial on how to implement this approach here:

Here's a brief summary of this technique: DEMO Code

Initially, create your base image as usual. Then, generate various hover states by doubling the canvas size of your image and incorporating the hover effect in the new lower section. This will result in something akin to this:

Hopefully, your image looks more appealing than this example.

Next, proceed with the HTML and CSS setup using an unordered list:

    #fakeMap { 
        list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;  
        position: relative;                       
        width: 200px;                             
        height: 100px;                            
        background: url(test.jpg) no-repeat 0 0;      
    #fakeMap li {
    #fakeMap a {

    /* Determine each LI's dimensions and position. */
    #maplink1 { width:15px; height:15px; top:10px; left:10px; }
    #maplink2 { width:20px; height:20px; top:30px; left:30px; }
    #maplink3 { width:80px; height:30px; top:20px; left:70px; }

    /* Define the image for all links. */
    #fakeMap a:hover { background: url(test.jpg) no-repeat; }

    /* Specify the background position for each link individually. */
    #fakeMap #maplink1 a:hover { background-position:-10px -110px; }
    #fakeMap #maplink2 a:hover { background-position:-30px -130px; }
    #fakeMap #maplink3 a:hover { background-position:-70px -120px; }

<ul id="fakeMap">
    <li id="maplink1"><a href="link1.htm">Link 1 Text</a></li>
    <li id="maplink2"><a href="link2.htm">Link 2 Text</a></li>
    <li id="maplink3"><a href="link3.htm">Link 3 Text</a></li>

Answer №2

Alright, here's how I tackled it.

To begin, create an image map as shown below:

<img src="menu.png" id="main-menu" usemap="#imagemap" />              

<map id="imagemap" name="imagemap">
    <area id="option1" href="page1.html" shape="rect" coords="12,33,87,67" />
    <area id="option2" href="page2.html" shape="rect" coords="110,25,156,70" />

Next, utilize jQuery to change the SRC attribute of the IMG when a user hovers over a specific AREA, and revert back on mouseout.

$(document).ready(function() {

// designate off state 
var menu_off = "/images/menu-off.png";

// functions for hover and revert
function hover(image) {
    $("#main-menu").attr("src", image);
function revert() {
    $("#main-menu").attr("src", menu_off);

$("#imagemap area").hover(
    function () {
        var selection = $(this).attr("id");
        hover("/images/menu-" + selection + ".png");
    function () {


This method could potentially be integrated with CSS Sprites to modify the background-position of an image upon rollover.

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