Using animation.width() in Javascript to create a countdown

Currently, I am working on creating a visual countdown for my users to indicate when an animation will finish. The code snippet below shows my initial attempt:

function setClassAndFire(){
    timer = setInterval(function () {
            $(this).attr('class', 'timerAnimation');
            if (t === 0) {
                timer = undefined;
    }, 1000);  

function countdownTimer(){
    var timerCurrentWidth = $('.timerAnimation').width(),
        timerMaxWidth = $("#awardQueueText").width(),
        pxPerSecond = timerMaxWidth / 60,
        currentCountdown = timerCurrentWidth / pxPerSecond;
        currentCountdown = Math.round(currentCountdown);
        document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "<span style='white-space : nowrap;'>Animation ends in:</br></span>"+
            "<span style='white-space : nowrap;'>" + currentCountdown + " sec.</span>";

It's important to note that the animation countdown only represents the time before we can send an API call. If there is something in the queue, the animation will restart.

The current implementation works but has some hiccups:

Sometimes, the countdown skips subtracting a second and compensates by subtracting 2 seconds in the next iteration.

This issue may be due to using Math.round() on currentCountdown. Is there a workaround for this problem? Since I have the maximum width of the animation object, could I separate it from the current width?

How can I make it work seamlessly? It's crucial to align the timer with the animation for the desired functionality. When the animation count reaches 25, I want the displayed number to also show 25!

Answer №1

This issue arose due to the number retrieved from the width, which cannot contain decimals (or is often truncated). In order to resolve this problem, it would be advisable to assign a separate variable for displaying the number and for storing the width of the DOM element. It seems that the variable t is what needs to be utilized in this case; hence, giving it a try would likely address the concern.

 function setClassAndFire(){
        timer = setInterval(function () {
                t--; //What does 't' represent? 
                $(this).attr('class', 'timerAnimation');
                if (t === 0) {
                    timer = undefined;
        }, 1000);  

function countdownTimer(t){
        document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "<span style='white-space : nowrap;'>Animation ends in:</br></span>"+
            "<span style='white-space : nowrap;'>" + t+ " sec.</span>";

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