Using Angular to pass parameters to a function

When passing a parameter to the getActiveId function in the ng-click

<span class="col ion-ios7-heart-outline center" ng- click="getActiveId({{activeSlide.selected}})">

The value turns to zero in the controller, but it is passed correctly after testing using inspect element

<span class="col ion-ios7-heart-outline center ng-binding" ng-click="getActiveId(1)"> 1:</span>

Answer №1

Make sure to remove the curly brackets around the parameter.

When passing parameters to a function or calling scope objects within a directive's attributes, follow this example:

<span class="col ion-ios7-heart-outline center" ng-click="getActiveId(activeSlide.selected)">


It's important to note why using double curly braces is not necessary in this context... Double curly braces are meant for treating statements as expressions. In directives' attributes, expressions are already expected, so double curly braces are redundant. Clear?

Sometimes you may see single curly braces inside directive's attributes, indicating the use of an inline JavaScript object as a parameter. This is commonly seen with the ng-style directive:

<div ng-style="{color:red}">

Answer №2

When using ng-click and other native AngularJS directives (such as ng-model and ng-option), you can provide expressions without the need for double curly braces.

Instead of including {{}} inside your ng-click directive, simply write:

<span ng-click="getActiveId(activeSlide.selected)">

However, it's important to note that if you create your own custom directive and want to pass an expression into it, you must use curly braces like so:

In your controller:

$scope.color = "blue";

In your HTML:

<span turnToThisColor="{{color}}"></span>

// This directive will change the color of the span to blue

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