Using AdBlock Plus will conceal elements on a webpage that have ids or classes containing the term "ad"

In my website, there are two divs: one with the ID of ad_holder and the other with the ID ad_buttons.

While testing the site on Mozilla with Adblock Plus installed, I observed that both divs were hidden. Upon further investigation, I discovered that Adblock was the cause, most likely due to the ID names. Additionally, I noticed that Adblock had generated (or perhaps had a pre-made) CSS file that set the display to hidden.

I am aware that I could resolve this by changing the IDs or attempting to override the Adblock CSS. However, I am wondering if there is an alternative solution, such as a small snippet of code that could indicate to Adblock that it is not a genuine ad.

It is important to note that the content within these divs is not actual advertisements, but rather contains .jpeg files related to the client's business.

Answer №1

Consider changing the names of your classes and IDs to prevent potential issues. It's also important to be cautious with image names and directories to avoid any accidental disappearances. It's recommended to steer clear of using words like:

  • ad
  • ads
  • adv
  • advert
  • advertisement
  • banner
  • banners

Answer №2

You can find the list here. It's always a good idea to double check as versions and software may vary, but I believe it covers most parts.

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