Using a 90% zoom level in the browser does not trigger any media queries

When addressing the width of a specific class, I utilized CSS media queries as shown below:

@media (max-width:1920px) {
    .slides {
        width: 860px;
@media (max-width:1500px) {
    .slides {
        width: 852px;
@media (max-width:1280px) {
    .slides {
        width: 850px;
@media (max-width:1097px) {
    .slides {
        width: 680px;
@media (max-width:960px) {
    .slides {
        width: 540px;
@media (max-width:768px) {
    .slides {
        width: 410px;

Despite these media queries working fine from a browser zoom level of 500% to 100%, they stop being applied once the zoom level is set to 90%. Why is this happening and what mistake am I making?

Answer №1

When your page is zoomed in at 90%, it likely exceeds 1920px, rendering your queries ineffective without a default case. One solution is to add the following CSS before your media queries:

.slides {
    width: 960px;

Remember to adjust the width of .slides as needed for screens wider than 1920px.

On a 1920px monitor at 90% zoom, the page's width reaches approximately 2133px. At 50% zoom, it expands to 3840px and so forth...

To make your .slides responsive based on viewport width, consider using vw (1vw = {viewport width}/100). For instance, setting .slides to 50vw will ensure it occupies 50% of the viewport width regardless of zoom level (unless overridden by a stronger rule):

.slides {
     width: 50vw;

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