I am in the process of developing a website using JQuery, and I encountered an issue with a signup bar. When I click a button, I want the bar to slide down smoothly. However, on the initial click, the signup form appears before the background color of the containing div slides into view. This discrepancy is quite noticeable. The code snippet below is what I used to ensure that the form slides up first and then down last:
if (signupBarDown) {
if (!signupBarDown) {
signupBarDown = !signupBarDown;
Although this code works perfectly after the first slide up/down, I cannot figure out why it behaves unexpectedly at the beginning.
The forms are positioned absolutely, which led me to write this script. But for some reason, this positioning seems to be causing the issue. Additionally, the 'signupBarDown' variable initializes as false. I attempted changing the positioning to fixed, thinking it might resolve the problem since absolute positioning had affected the script previously, but the outcome remains unchanged.