Upon selecting multiple checkboxes, corresponding form fields will be displayed based on shared attributes

When multiple checkboxes are selected by the user, corresponding form fields should appear based on the checkboxes. For example, if both flight and hotel checkboxes are checked, then the full name and last name fields should be displayed while other fields remain hidden.

I attempted to implement a toggle method to hide/show fields when a checkbox is checked, but I am facing challenges in selecting multiple fields together and hiding others. Additionally, I need my checkboxes to be aligned horizontally using CSS, but it's not functioning as expected.

Answer №1

Take a look at this condensed and generalized CSS-only solution for toggling form fields conditionally with checkboxes:

.form__field {
display: block;
[class*="--checkbox"] {
display: inline-block;
[data-conditional] {
display: none;
#flight:checked ~ [data-conditional*="flight"] {
display: block;
#hotel:checked ~ [data-conditional*="hotel"] {
display: block;
#travel:checked ~ [data-conditional*="travel"] {
display: block;
<form action="mailto:?subject=Travel Pre-approval Form " method="POST" enctype="text/plain" id="travel-form" onsubmit="test1()">

<input class="form__input form__input--checkbox" type="checkbox" id="flight" />
<label class="form__field form__field--checkbox" for="flight">
<span class="form__label">Flight</span>

<input class="form__input form__input--checkbox" type="checkbox" id="hotel" />
<label class="form__field form__field--checkbox" for="hotel">
<span class="form__label">Hotel</span>

<input class="form__input form__input--checkbox" type="checkbox" id="travel" />
<label class="form__field form__field--checkbox" for="travel">
<span class="form__label">Travel</span>

<label class="form__field form__field--text" data-conditional="flight hotel">
<span class="form__label">Full Name:</span>
<input class="form__input" type="text"  placeholder="Full Name as per Passport" />

<label class="form__field form__field--date" data-conditional="flight hotel">
<span class="form__label">Date of travel:</span>
<input class="form__input" type="date" />

<label class="form__field form__field--date" data-conditional="flight hotel">
<span class="form__label">Date of arrival:</span>
<input class="form__input" type="date" />

<label class="form__field form__field--text" data-conditional="flight">
<span class="form__label">For Flight only:</span>
<input class="form__input form__input--text" type="text" />

<label class="form__field form__field--text" data-conditional="hotel">
<span class="form__label">For Hotel only:</span>
<input class="form__input form__input--text" type="text" />

<label class="form__field form__field--text" data-conditional="travel">
<span class="form__label">For Travel only:</span>
<input class="form__input form__input--text" type="text" />

<div class="form__field form__field--submit">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

My checkboxes should be aligned horizontally.

The code snippet provided above satisfies the horizontal alignment of the checkboxes.

By using checkboxes to toggle form fields based on the data-conditional attribute, we can control which fields are displayed. The key technique here is the general next sibling selector in CSS combined with specific HTML markup.

Additional fields have been included at the end of the form to demonstrate how the conditional filtering works for individual checkboxes.

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