Upon initialization, the input type range bubble is failing to display the value correctly

Having trouble displaying the value of an input type="range". Upon loading the page, the bubble is positioned on the left side of the input.


My objective is to always have that bubble above the slider thumb. Like this.


It's strange that when I click on the slider thumb to adjust the value, the issue disappears and the bubble works correctly. This problem seems to only occur upon initial page load. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Thank you.

For reference, here is the link to the Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/suspicious-tereshkova-ujk45?file=/src/index.css

Answer №1

One way to include it manually at the beginning is by using CSS, as shown below:

.range-value {
  //additional code can be added here
  left: calc(49.4949% + 0.10101px);

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