Updating the Three.js Raycaster following CSS transformation

I am new to diving into the world of WebGL with Three.js. As a beginner, I wanted to experiment with something similar to this. I've managed to get most of it working, but I'm currently struggling with updating the raycaster and object after shifting the canvas to the left. When I hover over the sphere after moving the canvas, the interaction doesn't reflect on the sphere unless I move the mouse further eastward, away from the sphere. I've explored various resources, attempted to adjust the camera and sphere positions, but haven't had any luck.

Here's the code snippet:

let scene, camera, renderer;
var raycaster, mouse, INTERSECTED;
let SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth
let SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight
let canvas = document.getElementById('scene')
let objects = []


$(".hamburger").on("click", function () {

function init() {
  // Initialization code here

// Additional functions go here


Answer №1

1) It is important to provide the full code of your fiddle to ensure the context of your question and any answers remain clear, as fiddles can disappear over time.

2) Instead of attaching mouse events to the document, attach them to the moving part using the following code:

canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', onHover, false);

3) The behavior of clientX/clientY may not be as expected. Consider using offsetX/offsetY for coordinates relative to the canvas if you followed step 2, despite MDN labeling it as experimental (it works well in WebGL-compatible browsers).

mouse.x = (event.offsetX / SCREEN_WIDTH) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - (event.offsetY / SCREEN_HEIGHT) * 2 + 1;

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